Out Now Magazine Spotlight series featuring global star Mario Barth for an interview
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Graz, Austria, and moved to the US when I was 28.
When did you start making music?
In 2004. I was messing around with an acoustic guitar and wanted to do something different when my relationship was crumbling, and I needed something to clear my mind. After about 2-3 years, it started to grow into something.
How do you describe your music?
It’s direct, right in your face. Honest, loud, fun, and full of life.
The first gig we did was in Berlin, Germany. We played in front of 48,000 and had the whole stadium engaged. It was unreal.
Who is your biggest musical inspiration?
Buddy Guy. He has incredible songs and style and is such a great performer.

What is your producing software?
We use pro tools.
What other things do you do besides making music?
Tattooing & tattooing. I also run a color company and create pigments for the tattoo industry. Any other open minute I have, I spend with my kids.
What is your favorite track of all time?
“Skin Deep,” by Buddy Guy. It’s a song that says everyone’s the same regardless of where you come from. Treat others how you want to be treated—such a great massage.
What is your best-producing tip?
Push the boundaries. If you don’t fuck up, you’re not trying anything new. Keep trying and trying and trying, even if it feels like you’re doing something wrong.
Why did you start making music?
I was going through a brutal divorce and needed something to distract myself. It became very cathartic and got me through it.
What are your goals for the future?
To have a number one hit. We also plan to stay on tour and create some great songs full of positive messages while enjoying the ride with my friends and family.
What advice can you give to young music producers/DJs?
The producers – listen to the artists. Every producer tries to bring their taste to it but listen to what the artist wants to say. The truer the artist stays to themselves, the better the product.
DJs – keep mashing up those songs; I love it. Do what you want to do, don’t think commercial. Sometimes the message is more important than the skills you have.
Please write a message to your fans.
Everything we give to our fans comes profoundly from my heart. We feed off your appreciation. Please don’t forget to stay true to yourselves.
Source: https://outnowmagazine.com/spotlight-interview-mario-barth/
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